Review an hour of video
in less than a minute.
Quickly get the gist of meetings, lectures, podcasts, depositions and more. Gistify gives you superhuman recall and review using AI and natural language processing.
- Monday'sMeeting
- Review
- LaunchSchedule
- Marketing
- AdBuy
- Campaign
- AgencyAssets
- Approved
- ProductTesting
- Bugs
- BetaRelease
- NoBlockers
- Messaging
- Timeline
- Success
- NextSteps
Here's the gist of Gist:
Get the gist of any recorded audio or video.
- DevelopingCountry
- Countrymen
- InspirationalMessage
- Successfully
- HealthAssurance
- Confidence
- BiometricIdentity
- Rights
- ModernSystems
- Plastic
- LargeCampaign
- WaterConservat…
- Roads
- Independence
- Houses
- EradicateTB
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Can't remember last week's meeting?
Trigger flood memories with key words and phrases.
You had a brilliant planning session last week. The idea was so good and everything fell so perfectly into place that you didn't even take notes - it was all so obvious! Now it's Monday and you can't remember a damn thing anyone said.
Thankfully, you record your meetings, but sitting through the same meeting again? Total ughs-ville. However, one quick look at the Gist and it all comes flooding back: the slogan, the marketing campaign, the rollout - even the clever booth design! All of it, just like that, in just a few seconds.
- Slogan
- FitsPerfectly
- Clever
- BrandReinforce…
- MarketingCampaign
- Rollout
- March
- Deadline
- PosterDesign
- Multi-Color
- Printers
- LargeBooth
- Displays
- ConventionFloor
- Passes
- DemoApp
Quickly curate long-form audio and video.
Snap-determine if watching will be worth your time.
Is this ninety-minute video on how to smoke a brisket really going to be worth your time, or is this effing guy going to mention halfway through that he's never actually barbecued anything before? Does this three-hour podcast on alternative medicine hold the secret to a long and healthy life, or are these two gals just peddling some multi-level marketing woo?
Spend a few seconds to get the Gist before wasting hours that could have been spent on something important - like playing with your kids, or scrolling Instagram.
- EssentialOils
- Friends
- BurningSage
- Holistic
- HealingCrystals
- Business
- PyramidScheme
- Friends
- OnlineMarketing
- Opportunity
- OwnBoss
- CancelAnytime
- Serious
- Colloidal
- Success
- SignUp
- Brisket
- GoodRub
- Salt
- 250Degrees
- Recipe
- ReallyDelicious
- Hopefully
- MustAdmit
- FirstAttempt
- Worried
- Maybe
- Try
- FoilWrapped
- CharcoalBriquettes
- Zuckerberg
- BabyRay's
Pick up the information scent faster.
Parse through and drill down to find what you need.
That twelve-part series on the psycho-political significance of Alice in Wonderland as it applies to trans-Pacific cryptocurrency markets CHANGED 👏 YOUR 👏 LIFE 👏. Especially that one amazing bit about how The Cheshire Cat's ephemeral presence is subconsciously reflected in the mind of traders chasing "the yield"… but was that in part four? Part six? Maybe part ten?
You don't have all day to scrub 36 hours of video for one snippet (there's a whole other lecture on Cthulhu and AI generated "art" to watch!). But with a Gist of the series, you can find and tweet out that brilliant Cat quote in minutes, instead of hours.
- Duchess
- MomeRaths
- Bough
- GoodDeal
- Decision
- TenPercent
- Luna
- TheYield
- Giddy
- BothMad
- HalfThere
- Trading
- PigMetaphor
- Vanished
- GrinWithout
- Cat
Find buried value in boring content.
Skip the snooze and get right to the good parts.
It was the Trial of the Century (of the Week), and boy, that courtroom was an absolute clownshow. So many ridiculous moments on both sides - the judge couldn't even keep it together! Unfortunately, even the most action-packed courtroom in real life is duller than the end credits of Country Justice on loop.
Luckily, you don't have to sit through five hours a day of procedural barbiturate like some media intern at Buzzfeed to find the clip you want, because you have Gistify; just Gist that judge and jump to right the juice!
- MyClient
- Accosted
- WaterBalloons
- Repeatedly
- NotWater
- PigeonFlock
- Objection
- MimeTroupe
- Phobia
- ObviousTaunting
- StraightFace
- Misunderstood
- RubberGlove
- Assaulted
- MelonBaller
- Astrology